Volume 13,Issue 1,2015 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  

Regular paper

Variable selection in identification of a high dimensional nonlinear non-parametric system
  E.W. Bai, W. Zhao and W. Zheng
  Published February 5, 2015
  2015,13(1):1-16 [Abstract(2236)]  [View PDF 599.81 K (1061)]  [HTML]
Model predictive control for hybrid vehicle ecological driving using traffic signal and road slope information
  K. Yu, J. Yang and D. Yamaguchi
  Published February 5, 2015
  2015,13(1):17-28 [Abstract(2617)]  [View PDF 1.21 M (2303)]  [HTML]
Identification of integrating and critically damped systems with time delay
  Bajarangbali and S. Majhi
  Published February 5, 2015
  2015,13(1):29-36 [Abstract(1932)]  [View PDF 552.55 K (840)]  [HTML]
Immersion and invariance adaptive control of a class of continuous stirred tank reactors
  G. Hong, X. Liu and H. Su
  Published February 5, 2015
  2015,13(1):37-43 [Abstract(2035)]  [View PDF 456.68 K (1359)]  [HTML]

Special issue

Editorial: Special issue on learning and control in cooperative multi agent systems
  F. L. Lewis, Z. P. Jiang and T. Liu
  Published February 5, 2015
  2015,13(1):44 [Abstract(1199)]  [View PDF 52.98 K (951)]  [HTML]
Pinning synchronization of networked multi-agent systems: spectral analysis
  L. Xiang, F. Chen and G. Chen
  Published February 5, 2015
  2015,13(1):45-54 [Abstract(1642)]  [View PDF 1021.87 K (1033)]  [HTML]
Discrete-time dynamic graphical games: model-free reinforcement learning solution
  M. I. Abouheaf, F. L. Lewis, M. S. Mahmoud and D. G. Mikulski
  Published February 5, 2015
  2015,13(1):55-69 [Abstract(2793)]  [View PDF 600.34 K (2113)]  [HTML]
Topology-preserving flocking of nonlinear agents using optimistic planning
  L. Busoniu and I. C. Morarescu
  Published February 5, 2015
  2015,13(1):70-81 [Abstract(4555)]  [View PDF 597.96 K (1884)]  [HTML]
Circle formation control for multi-agent systems with a leader
  L. Zhao and D. Ma
  Published February 5, 2015
  2015,13(1):82-88 [Abstract(1626)]  [View PDF 367.51 K (1440)]  [HTML]