Bo HUANG,Yamin SUN.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2005,3(2):139~144.[Copy]
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Received:September 11, 2004Revised:April 27, 2005
Improved methods f or scheduling flexible manufacturing systems based on Pet ri nets and heuristic search
Bo HUANG , Yamin SUN
(Department of Computer ,Nanjing University of Science & Technology ,Nanjing Jiangsu 210094 , China)
This paper proposes and evaluates two improved Petri net (PN) - based hybrid search strategies and their applications to flexible manufacturing system (FMS) scheduling. The algorithms proposed in some previous papers ,which combine PN simulation capabilities with A 3 heuristic search within the PN reachability graph ,may not find an optimum solution even with an admissible heuristic function. To remedy the defects an improved heuristic search strategy is proposed ,which adopts a different method for selecting the promising markings and reserves the admissibility of the algorithm. To speed up the search process ,another algorithm is also proposed which invokes faster termination conditions and still guarantees that the solution found is optimum. The scheduling results are compared through a simple FMS between our algorithms and the previous methods. They are also applied and evaluated in a set of randomly- generated FMSs with such characteristics as multiple resources and alternative routes.
Key words:  Heuristic search  Admissibility  Petri net  Scheduling