ZHANG Boli, LI Huade and SUN Shaoyuan.A Practical Adaptive Compensation Control Method to Ensure Accurate Field Orientation[J].Control Theory and Technology,1993,10(5):516~522.[点击复制]
A Practical Adaptive Compensation Control Method to Ensure Accurate Field Orientation
摘要点击 995  全文点击 409  投稿时间:1991-09-05  修订日期:1993-04-01
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中文关键词  矢量控制  转差角频率  自适应补偿
英文关键词  vector control  slip angular frequency  adaptive compensation
张伯立,李华德,孙韶元,沈程智 北京科技大学自动化系 
      感应电动机转差型矢量控制变频调速系统中,由于电机参数受温升影响而发生变化,引起磁场定向坐标偏离设定位置,导致电机运行品质的恶化。本文提出了一种新的转差角频率自适应补偿控制方法,陈ACSAF方法(Adaptive Compensation of Angular Frequency).通过检测电机的定子电压,电机转子旋转速度间接计算转子磁链定向坐标准确时应控制的转差角频率,从而构成一个自适应补偿环节。本系统在STD工控机上得到了实现。
      For a induction motor with variable frequency and variable speed system of the slip frequency vector model, because the motor parameters vary with temperature, the field orientation coordinate deviates from its setting position and the operating performance of the motor becomes worse. This paper gives a new adaptive compensation of slip angular frequency control method, namely ACSAF. By detecting the stator voltage, current and rotating speed of the motor, the slip angular frequency to be controlled can be calculated indirectly when the rotor flux linkage orientation coordinate is accurate, and an adaptive compensation control loop is formed. Experiment shows the satisfactory control effect of this method.